Self-Acceptance Concept, Demonstrated by Spiritual Coach

wellness coaching

& private yoga

that meets you where you are

and moves you toward

balance & ease

Do you...

desire more day to day ease?

struggle with motivation?

always overextend yourself?

lack the energy you once had?

Research reveals lifestyle as the critical factor in our overall health and wellbeing over time.

It is more important than ever to be conscious of how your actions, behaviors, and mindset relate to your experience of every day life.

Your repeated actions shape your future and your health. Do you like where you’re headed?

Is it time for a change?

I can help you move toward


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what is Sattva?

In the philosophy of yoga, three primary gunas (strands or qualities of energy) are woven together to create the essential aspects of all nature.

Each of the gunas has its own unique attributes: tamas is stability, rajas is activity & passion, and sattva is balance & harmony.

For yoga practitioners, awareness of the gunas tells us whether we are genuinely moving forward in life (sattva), running in place (rajas), or losing our way (tamas).

Awareness and conscious manipulation of these three energies is an empowering way to reduce stress and increase inner peace for those seeking balance of mind, and body.

Those who practice sattva; moving toward a state of balance and ease, seek to nourish the body with pure substances and engage in purifying practices. This can include a sattvic diet, meditation, pranayama, and asana practice.

When we approach the gunas as tendencies, or habitual ways we respond to any situation that arises, this becomes a powerful, yet accessible practice for anyone to move toward Sattva: balance & ease every day.

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Our programs support you to...

build self-awareness

...identify conflicting habits and behaviors and discover ways to move beyond self-sabotaging patterns.

set healthy boundaries

...create space for more of what you want, and less of what you don’t by taking action in small steps.

move toward Sattva the conscious, balanced life

you desire, by making intentional, value-based decisions every day with ease.

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The moving toward Sattva journey is based on:

Habit Evolution: Learn how to make small and profound changes over time.

Lifestyle: Get the skills to design your life in alignment with your priorities.

Yoga + Ayurveda: Find balance in your everyday life without rigidity or a need for perfection.

Most of us are stressed on some level. It may be subtle or quite obvious, but for many, it’s become a normal part of experiencing life in the modern world.

Moving toward sattva is the result of consistently applying conscious habits in alignment with nature, over time.

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ways we can work together

coaching programs


1 month to inspire your journey


3 months to breakthrough what’s been holding you back

private yoga sessons

a traditional hatha yoga practice that meets you where you are, done mindfully to take you where you want to go.

move toward Sattva

coaching and yoga sessions can be scheduled in person or by Zoom.

Relaxing in Childs Pose

meet your wellness partner

Kerri works with women who strive for balance & ease in the life they live every day.

Her passion is sharing the wisdom gained from more than 25 years of practicing and living yoga every day.

As a certified Health Coach and Experienced Yoga Instructor, with more than 15 years of student contact, Kerri is qualified to lead you on your wellness journey.

Her work utilizes yoga and health coaching as complementary practices that support you as you move toward Sattva.
